

社区 development and sectoral growth can only be supported and maintained by having the right skills available in sufficient numbers.

作为数据驱动创新计划的一部分, the University of Edinburgh will play a pivotal role in strengthening our graduates’ skills. 超过十年, 该大学及其合作伙伴将培训100名学生,000人在主要部门应用数据, ensuring Scotland has a future-proof workforce who are ready to face any challenge. 这其中的一个关键组成部分是该大学的信息学院, the largest European centre of its kind with over 450 academic and research staff and 850 students. 它拥有强大的人才库, educating undergraduate and postgraduate students via a wide range of courses including artificial intelligence, 认知科学, 计算语言学, 计算机科学和软件工程.

Our digital technologies industry has a highly skilled workforce but we need many more people to join the growing businesses across the sector.  Encouraging an increasing number to pursue careers in technology is essential.

博天堂入口领导着我们行业的技能运动, 帮助建立未来的人才管道.  Working with partners across industry and the public sector we have helped with the development of the ICT & 2014年发布的《博天堂入口》. 这为解决一些关键问题提供了一个长期计划:

Working with partners across industry and the public sector we have helped with the development of the ICT & 2014年发布的《博天堂入口》. 这为解决一些关键问题提供了一个长期计划:

  • Sector attractiveness – to promote the breadth of interesting highly paid roles to young people, 转行者
  • 确保教育体系符合行业需求,包括:
  • Revitalising the teaching of computing and digital technologies at schools, to develop a stronger pipeline of young people choosing digital technologies careers, 学徒课程, 大专及以上学历.
  • Delivering the e-Placement博天堂入口 programme in partnership with our universities to give students valuable real work experience before they qualify
  • Ensuring the development of high-level specialist skills through our work with innovation centres such as DataLab
  • Broadening access routes into the industry through a wider range of apprenticeships, 还有新的举措,比如新的数字技能学院, CodeClan由ScotlandIS建立.
  • 解决性别失衡问题
  • 多元文化的劳动力

The digital technologies industry is truly global, serving markets around the world. To design and build products and services for global citizens and businesses our industry benefits from a diverse workforce.


博天堂入口替代就业计划已经创造了1800多个就业机会. 成立于2010年, the programme matches firms in the technology sector with students and helps to address the skills shortage in the sector and improve student employability.

CodeClan plays a leading role in accelerating Scotland’s progress in building a high-performing digital economy. Its role is to retrain and reskill ambitious and motivated people to enter the digital world

Digital Xtra Fund is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) that supports the delivery of extra-curricular computing and digital activities to young people, 16岁及以下, 在博天堂入口. It specifically seeks to improve participation of girls and underrepresented groups in digital, dispel negative perceptions about computing science and promote digital as an attractive career path.

To meet the increasing demand for people with world class skills in computing and the pace of change within the industry, it is essential that our colleges and universities ensure college leavers and graduates have the right blend of technical and interpersonal skills for the modern workforce.





189月10:30 am11:00 amUnlocking Cyber Security Potential: The Benefits of Hiring Student Interns

